
Initial Meeting

This meeting is the starting point for any project. This meeting will take approximately 30-60 minutes (possibly longer for larger or more complex projects.) The purpose of the initial meeting is to determine the true scope and size of the project. By seeing the project, this allows me to develop an idea for the amount of time and planning that will go into creating a solution for your space. Once that has happened, I will create an initial proposal as to what the estimated cost would be to move forward with the design process.

During this step we will discuss:

Scope of Project & Functionality

Design Scheme or Style Preferences

Budget & Timeline

The Complete Process


Measuring of Space

Conceptual Design Presentation

Once the Initial Meeting is complete and all parties have decided to move forward, this is when the fun begins!!! Approximately 2-3 weeks after initial visit another meeting will be scheduled so that the concepts can be presented to the client in a professional yet comfortable format. 

This is when collaborative discussions are had, changes can be made and at the end of the meeting a decision to move foreword with the bidding process can be finalized.

During this step we will go over:

Floor Plan Layout

Cabinet Design

3D Virtual Design

Overall Design Scheme

Material Selection

Bidding and Sign Off

Bidding Process/Sign Off

Once a conceptual design and base materials are set we can move into the bidding process. If construction or subcontracting is necessary licensed professionals of your choosing or mine will create bids based off of the approved design.

I will collect and present all bids in one final presentation to determine approval and sign off from you.


Materials are ordered and delivered to the job site. Trades work begins, project management from us, and finishing touches are put into place!

Furniture, accessories, and accent pieces can be selected and place at homeowners request. 

Implementation process Brisko Designs
Bidding Process


Let the CELEBRATION begin!!! This is the time that I will walk you through your newly redesigned and completed space. We can discuss features, maintenance of items and I will answer any questions that you may have.

Let's Turn A House Into Your Home